Hello! I am Annie Liu

Computer Science and Business Student

About me

Hello! I'm a business and computer science student studying at the University of British Columbia. My goal is to advance from being an entry-level software engineer to being a software architect engineer after years of experience in the industry and I'm an avid tech geek who constantly pushes myself to learn new technologies to expand my skillset. You can most definitely find me at hackathons pulling all-nighters to build applications with other like-minded people.

My current interests are backend development, building APIs, and dappling in the fintech community (Crypto, Web3, etc).

Asides from that, I am a photographer who loves to take portraits for my friends and families so feel free to reach out to me and we can collab!

Check out my resume here :)


In my freetime, I teach myself new technologies to improve my technical skillset.

App Development

I love creating small applications ranging from the outreach assistant I made for my club to various programs that assist people amidst Covid-19.

Backend Development

I enjoy writing APIs, and hashing out the logic that people can't see, but enables them to communicate with the databases!


I love to go on photoshoots and capture portraits and full-body shots of my friends and strangers. Hopefully, I will contribute my domain expertise in photography to app development someday!

Work Experience

Feel free to take a look at my internship experiences!


May 2022 - August 2022
Coinbase is the largest crypto exchange platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing digital currency.
Enhanced Coinbase’s top 5 security infrastructure goals – increasing the visibility of internal privileged access – by pioneering the creation of a group of high impact Identity & Access Management tools & services from scratch
Enabled 4000+ employees to audit internal user access history by developing and launching an API which captures hundreds of employee access logs daily, and handles data processing, safe storage, and data querying upon incoming requests all using AWS resources, MongoDB, Go and Google Protocol Buffers
Minimized operational toil by building a cron job that compiles thousands of user access logs periodically, and developing a querying API that filters and aggregates logs into easy-to-read statistics using Go and MongoDB


May 2021 - December 2021
SAP is a widely-used enterprise resource planning (ERP) software SAP creates a centralized system for businesses that enables every department to access and share common data to create a better work environment for every employee in the company.
Launched a new internal Slack feature to all feature development teams to retrieve real-time toggle statuses for various systems using Python, PHP, Groovy, Jenkins and Slack API which integrates the team’s feature flag micro-service with a self-served Slack bot
Provided a medium for other developers to audit the different release versions of the product by spearheading the full-stack development of an internal web app that fetches and displays product information upon entering the product patch number, using React, TypeScript, Express.js and Ant Design
Increased the accuracy of critical automated tests written with the Selenium webdriver framework and TypeScript from 80% to 95%


Feel free to take a look at my personal + team projects!


Eyebotics vision is an assistive live camera technology that uses computer vision to help the visually impaired recognize their surroundings through real time audio feedback, with fully voice-controlled functionality. Features include object and facial recognition, identifying a person's age, gender and facial expressions.


Euphoria is an early risk detection tool for mental health organizations that uses ML to analyze the linguistic patterns and sentiments of online content to detect signs of depression or suicidal behaviour. It is a Reddit Bot that acts on behalf of a mental health organization's Reddit account (i.e. Canadian Mental Health Association's Reddit account).

Outreach Assistant

This application is an outreach tool that is designed to guide people in outreach positions through each phase by maximizing efficiency and increasing their success in achieving deals with other companies. The application consists of three components including pre-contact, mid-contact as well as post-contact respectively.


Help@Home is a platform that connects volunteers and people who are in need. At Help@Home, students can receive immediate feedback from supportive volunteers by posting questions on our homework forum. Kids, people who are immunocompromised, and people with special needs can book a volunteer for grocery and medication pickup with our booking system. Help@Home also provides a judgement-free mental health text line, and a homework forum to support students in grades 4-12.


CryptoConvenient aims to assist individuals in digital investments by helping them create a personal portfolio that carries the top coins of their selection, alerting them whenever a coin has hit a value, as well as setting up a reminder for them to buy and sell.


HackTheCorona is a web application that aims to support these individuals in finding the closest resource for their needed supplies, in attempt to devise a more efficient method of fairly distributing the available medical aid.

Budget Planner

About The budget planner helps the user budget their monthly income. The user can rank their most-needed items in that month and eventually tell them whether they should buy an item or not. It also prioritizes the item based on the EisenHower's Matrix Urgent/Important matrix.


Bounty is a web application that connects volunteers with immunocompromised people/high risk groups with grocery shopping and medication pick-up admist Covid-19.